Our building unit study was a specific request from our then-five-year-old. I had no idea how we would do a whole unit study on it, but once I started planning and we started learning, I found it was one of my favorites (and theirs) all year. This unit study was completed when our kids wereRead More
Archives for August 2022
Morning Time with Littles: Grammar
We are learning grammar during morning time this year because it was an easy place to put it in the schedule. When planning for the grammar we’d learn this year, I used the Common Core standards for first grade to pull out the ideas and topics I wanted to cover. Currently, we are working onRead More
Morning Time with Littles: Bible
In our homeschool, we begin our day with Morning Gathering. And we start that with Bible time. Currently, we do this over breakfast so that everyone is pretty stationary and focused. Our memory work this year is memorizing a Bible verse each week that goes along with the story we are reading. When I can’tRead More
Morning Time with Littles
Have you ever taken one of those “which homeschooling style are you?” quizzes? Every time I have, I always wind up as “Charlotte Mason style.” Which is great, in theory. I DO love a lot of Charlotte Mason principles. But in practice, I found a lot of the ways Charlotte Mason style is done inRead More
How I Plan Homeschool Unit Studies
When I was researching homeschooling when my kids were tiny, I thought that we would follow a Charlotte Mason approach for learning. However, when we actually started doing it, I found the best thing for our family was learning through unit studies. (Miss Mason is still plenty prominent in some places). Today I’m sharing howRead More
2022-2023 Homeschool Curriculum
This year in our homeschool, we have a first grader (6), preschooler (4), and a two year old. We spend the bulk of our homeschool day on our “morning gathering” and unit study, but we use some curriculum as well. Math We are using the first grade Math with Confidence curriculum. So far I loveRead More