In January 2022, during our kindergarten year, we learned all about Asia during our Asia unit study. Our kids were 6, 3, and 1. During our prior school year, we had done a “kids around the world” unit and had used the National Geographic sticker book as the spine for the unit. We ran outRead More
Archives for January 2024
Homeschool Weather Unit Study
We have enjoyed learning about weather during a weather unit study in both 2021 and 2022. The first time we studied weather, our children were 4, 2, and 7 months. The most recent time, we had a 6, 4, and 2 year old. We enjoyed several experiments, tv shows about weather, and lots of interestingRead More
Space Unit Study
We really enjoyed our space unit study in the Spring of 2021. Our kids were just preschoolers then, so we really had a lot of fun exploring this topic. We used books, television shows and documentaries, and several fun hands on activities to learn different facts about our solar system. We explored the moon’s phases.Read More
Time Spent Outdoors in 2023
How much time did we spend outside last year? I have NO idea, and it’s so freeing! In 2021 and 2022, I tried that challenge that I saw all over social media. The one that tells you if your children aren’t spending a certain amount of time outside then you’re doing something wrong 😬. BothRead More
2023 in Books
I have enjoyed reading since childhood, but when I became a mom, suddenly it was something I could rarely find time for. That all changed when I bought myself a Kindle e-reader before our second child was born. All of a sudden, I had something to do with my brain while I sat in theRead More