In January 2022, during our kindergarten year, we learned all about Asia during our Asia unit study. Our kids were 6, 3, and 1.
During our prior school year, we had done a “kids around the world” unit and had used the National Geographic sticker book as the spine for the unit. We ran out of time that year to complete the whole thing, so I saved the Asia section for later.
I thought it would make a really fun unit all on its own, and I was right. Looking back through the photos of this unit made me remember why it’s been one of our favorite units so far.
We started with a super fun panda sensory bin.
We tried a variety of foods from all over Asia.
We spent a week learning about Japan, where we made and raced Origami frogs, we attempted to visit a Japanese garden. After driving 2 hours 12 minutes, it left a little to be desired. We read a biography of artist Yayoi Kusama and made artwork in her style. We read haiku poems for our poetry teatime.
We then spent a week learning about China. We read the Magic Treehouse Book “A Perfect Time for Pandas” throughout the week. We crafted conical hats and completed a printable book about China from 123homeschool 4 me. We also made handprint dragons with a pattern from Crafts by Ria. We also made fans and lanterns from construction paper. We wrapped up our unit just in time for Lunar New Year, so we celebrated by learning about the holiday and throwing confetti.
Are you a unit study homeschool family? If you liked our Asia Unit Study, out some more of our unit study recaps here! You can also download our list of ideas for FREE here!
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