We are learning grammar during morning time this year because it was an easy place to put it in the schedule. When planning for the grammar we’d learn this year, I used the Common Core standards for first grade to pull out the ideas and topics I wanted to cover.
Currently, we are working on parts of speech. Our short lesson starts with reviewing the parts of speech we’ve learned so far and giving examples of them. Then, I introduce the new topic and we watch the corresponding Schoolhouse Rock video clip on YouTube.
Finally, I pick out examples of this part of speech from our family read aloud, and they practice copying the word/phrase onto a lined dry erase board. If there’s a way to physically move around when learning the concept, I try to fit that in as well. For example, a noun scavenger hunt around the house, or charades for verbs.
I love introducing grammar concepts in this way, rather than the endless worksheets I had in elementary school! It feels authentic and meaningful to point out the grammar concepts in actual text they are reading, rather than making up random sentences for them to pick out concepts.
I also hope to use some of the Brave Writer curriculum in the future, and they utilize a method similar to this, so it will be something my kids are already familiar with when the time comes. Do you have a favorite curriculum you use for teaching grammar concepts to your elementary aged kids? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
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